Welcome to AnimeKid's Game Section
Here you can choose any games or links to games. Games posted here are in no part charged by me. Also these games are neither created nor run by me. By using these games, you are hereby releasing me from any mishaps that should happen.
Please email me if any problems occurs to you for any games and I will try to help you out. My email is
[email protected]
You basically should know the basics of this game. Played from a files I have downloaded.
A futuristic tank game in which you blow up other players while trying to live. This is a MULTIPLAYER GAME. Therefore you must be connected online in order to play. This must be downloaded and you must register a name.
To register, go to the following link and fill out the form.
This is the place to REGISTER
A futuristic spaceship game in which you play from a bird's point of view. This game is also FREE yet you must DOWNLOAD IT. Internet downloaded version is basically "Shareware" and thus, you cannot use all ships available unless you buy it from the store.

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